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Digital Marketing

With A Knack Of Delivering ROI-Focused Marketing Solutions

End-To-End Digital Marketing Solutions

The cornerstone of every good marketing campaign is going to where your customers are (Google, Facebook, Instagram and YouTube), enticing them with a great offer and driving them to your online or physical store.

Best in Show

We use targeted techniques from Marketing based on your short-term and long-term goals.

Autopilot mode:on

We totally manage your campaigns Adv. on Google and on your favorite Social channels.

Attention Seeker

We make the most of your Brand and the image you have built.

Sales Source

We communicate the best of your business through the world's best Automation Marketing.

Lead The Digital Landscape

Customers have too many options

We can not just build something and expect customers to find us. There are too many options. Too many websites. Too much competition.

The onus is on us as smart business owners and savvy marketers to go out, find where our customers are spending their time and put an offer in front of them that they cannot resist.

Finding customers before they find you (or find the competition). This is the magic of digital advertising.

Our Bespoke Websites

Include The Following


Why is it important?

Every business needs more sales. More customers. More leads. More traffic.

The very nature of business is that we need a steady stream of people buying what we’re selling.

Digital advertising allows us to turn the world into our customers, ensuring an endless supply of new customers as long as our campaigns are done well.

Targeted to the right audience

The ads are interesting, compelling and add value
Placed on the right platform
Budgeted to outperform the competition without spending foolishly

Ten digital advertising terms you need to know



CPC (Cost-per-Click)

Cost per click (CPC) is an online advertising revenue model in which websites charge advertisers based on the number of times visitors click on a display ad attached to their sites.



CTR (Click-through Rate)

The click-through rate (CTR) in online advertising is the percentage of people who view a web page and then click on a specific advertisement that appears on that page. Click-through rates assess how effective an advertisement was in capturing users' attention.



Ad Impression

The number of times an ad is served, regardless of whether the user sees or interacts with the ad in any way.



Attribution Model

When multiple touchpoints are involved, an attribution model is a set of rules or guidelines establishing the terms a promotional source gets credit for a sale.



Cost of Customer Acquisition (CAC)

Your total cost of sales and marketing. To calculate CAC for a specific period (month, quarter, or year), follow these steps: - Total the program, or advertising spend plus salaries, commissions, bonuses, and overhead. - Divide the total number of new customers in that period by two.



Conversion Rates Optimization (CRO)

The process of increasing your site's conversion rate through design techniques, fundamental optimization principles, and testing. It entails giving your website visi- tors an experience that will convert them into customers. CRO is most commonly used to optimize web pages or landing pages, but it can also optimize social me- dia, CTAs, and other aspects of your marketing.



Lookalike Audiences

This is a method of targeting customers similar to those you already have, by up- loading email lists to your Facebook ad campaign. Facebook will then search for new matching users to target.




A piece of code placed on your website to track visitors. It collects analytics and data on your customers and their interactions with your website. Because the pixel on your site tracks every visitor, you can use this information to target them in future Facebook ads.

Ready To Elevate Your Online Presence?

Find out how we can help you achieve your goals by contacting us via the button below.

Frequently Asked Questions.

The lowdown on Digital Marketing.

There’s a lot to learn when it comes to Digitally Advertise your product. Fear not: these FAQs should help get you up to speed. Got some unanswered questions still?

We can have a campaign up and running inside of one week.

It's generally not worth it to run an ad set on less than $10/day, and the ceiling is nearly unlimited. However, depending again on your product or service and the level of competition, most of our campaigns run in the hundreds of dollars a day range.

One of the keys to running great campaigns is constantly testing and modifying the ads based on the results of those tests. With digital ads, we know what's working and what isn't. So we double down on what works and delete what isn't.

We can have a campaign up and running inside of one week.

It's generally not worth it to run an ad set on less than $10/day, and the ceiling is nearly unlimited. However, depending again on your product or service and the level of competition, most of our campaigns run in the hundreds of dollars a day range.

One of the keys to running great campaigns is constantly testing and modifying the ads based on the results of those tests. With digital ads, we know what's working and what isn't. So we double down on what works and delete what isn't.

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